Draftdock ⚡️
A blazing-fast, lightweight, and free blogging platform.
Why Draftdock? Because your blog is slow.
Nowadays, websites are slow, and yours might be no exception. Do you really need 54 JavaScript packages, a Virtual DOM, a lousy 30/100 Lighthouse score, and an underwhelming appearance for your blog? I don't think so.
I've over-engineered the crap out of this: Custom image
optimization, content transpilation, robust caching, and more.
This very page? Just a few lines of JavaScript. No frameworks,
with a massive CDN for support. The content? It zips to your
browser in milliseconds...
Behold the result... ✨👌🏻

Isn't it satisfying? There's nothing quite like the thrill of watching Lighthouse assess your website and reveal a flawless score after just 20-30 seconds. You should give it a shot.
Your setup? Overly complex.
Perhaps you're tangled in a messy Markdown solution, editing
within your IDE, and previewing on a local development site. Or
maybe you're bogged down by a feature-heavy CMS, bloated with 200
unnecessary features.
That's way too much clutter and
distraction for me. I crave a clean canvas to express my thoughts
without context switching, wrestling with Markdown, JSX, or
ensuring proper image imports from public directories... No, thank
I desire an editor like this... a minimalist
canvas with only the essentials, and a single click to share my
thoughts with the world.

How much does it cost?
Draftdock has a free plan for all users. This plan is based on fair usage and currently allows for up to 20,000 monthly page views. I may decide to add a paid plan in the future for some advanced features, but for now, it's free. However, I manually approve users before they can attach a custom domain to their blog. This is to prevent abuse and spam.
And there you have it!
Draftdock's purpose? To excel at one thing and to do it
exceptionally well. If you, too, yearn for a blog like this, I've
made it incredibly simple for you to create your own.
That's all,
- Shayan